Sunday, August 21, 2011

Electrone Americas-Top Quality Products and Support

A Customer was considering Electrone for a subsequent phase of an existing project.

In the event a competitor was chosen. Electrone expected that volume would decline over a period of time.

Unexpected after few months volume increased. It increased further and for longer and these volumes had not been predicted by the customer. Eventually Electrone’s supply of long lead parts grew short.

A visit was arranged to review the situation with the customer. Only then was it disclosed that while they had chosen to go with another supplier, at a supposedly better price, the other supplier had not been able to supply when production needed parts.

Electrone’s ability to increase supply, without notice, had permitted production to continue without a crisis. In response to the shortage in the Electrone parts supply chain a new variant was developed to work around the problem and maintain continuity for production.

Electrone will be shipping another 800 more of these units in the next 60 days, even now, years later. Learn more about Electrone Americas -