As much as today's workplace technology differs from that of the workplace of ten years ago, the reality is that the basic peripherals attached to our new technology have basically remained the same. The most glaring example of this is the standard-issue keyboard, which has dominated workers' desk space for decades. Electrone encourages you to try replacing your standard keyboard with a more user-friendly, handy, and healthy mini keyboard-the EAL 9004 Mini Keyboard.

Only 10.25" in width, 5.75" in depth, and a 1"height, the EAL 9004 Mini Keyboard boasts a conveniently small form, making it the perfect solution to desk space crowding. With an integral two-button touchpad for mouse emulation, silent tactile keys, as well as 12 function keys and an embedded numeric pad, the mini keyboard also boasts convenient functionality. Additionally, the EAL 9004 Mini Keyboard can be equipped with a plastic, protective key skin or given a foreign language layout, making it an extremely versatile workplace peripheral.
The size and touchpad feature of the EAL 9004 Mini Keyboard exemplify just how a small footprint can make a big difference. For one, it is easier to place our mini keyboard in a comfortable position on your desk than its normal-sized counterparts, which can have the effects of limiting pain/numbness in your neck, shoulders, and/or wrists. The mini keyboard's touchpad feature helps limit your hands' movement over your desk from keyboard to mouse and mouse to keyboard, which translates to less stress on your hands, wrists, arms, elbows, and shoulders.
So, if you feel like your workstation is too crowded for you to function or if you experience pain after a long day in front of your computer, it is definitely time to give the EAL 9004 Mini Keyboard a try. You are certain to feel a difference and, what is more, thoroughly enjoy it!